Wednesday 25 November 2015

OUAN603 - Extended Practice: Initial Ideas (Rationale)

OUAN603 - Extended Practice:

Initial Ideas (Rationale)

Extended Practice, being the largest of the modules in terms of practical output, will definitely be a challenge and need a lot of research in order to produce something worthy and representative of my time at LCoA. I've had many, many ideas since being briefed on this module, however the one that really stood out to me that would be probably the most successful is that of an educational piece of animation using characters to illustrate the narrative and be more entertaining.

Some of my initial ideas were focused around the continuation of more mental health work, however after COP and a possible topic in PPP, I felt that I needed a more lighthearted task, with a more obvious audience and for a slightly different purpose - albeit still within an educational field. After setting my mind on an educational short, I thought about purpose, my own experiences in school, and how they had been shaped by some of the content I had watched/used in order to further my studies.

In more "academic" subjects such as the sciences, history, languages, and mathematics, there seems to be an abundance of interactive materials and entertainment-based learning available. However, in the art department in my own high school, it was very difficult to find such materials as art is indeed a very hands-on and kinesthetic subject. I decided that creating a "History of Art" short would be a good idea as that can not only prove that there is an academic side to art, but it would also allow for a change in the classroom and a more fun way of learning about influential artists and movements.

I then decided to get together some sources of inspiration for this possible project so that I had a clear understanding of what would inform it, and how I would undertake research and development further. By creating a mood board on Pinterest, I was able to get all those jumbled-up ideas down in one place, and understand whether it would work or not.

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