Monday 28 April 2014

OUAN406 - A Tale in The Sting: Final Crit

OUAN406 - Final Crit:

After managing to finish two out of three animations, I was finally able to show them to the class and receive some constructive feedback on how to improve my animations, other than the obvious of finishing the Discovery ident of course.

I showed my E4 and Cbeebies idents after explaining the issue of not being able to finish the Discovery channel ident due to corruption of a nearly finished file. (I have certainly learned from this and will try and back up my files a lot more often than usual due to the unreliability of my hard drive and laptop!) The feedback I received was constructive and helpful and some things were picked out that from a creator's point of were not obvious to me. Things such as the run cycle of my E4 girl could do with a bit more squash and stretch as she almost floats across the screen in a very linear fashion and doesn't bob up and down like a person who is running would. Her head stayed in pretty much the same place throughout with little movement or emphasis. He legs also stayed on the ground all the way through despite the contact point being the only point through the cycle that is meant to stay on the ground. She definitely needs some work leaping through the air and maintaining an anime-like style. The E4 monster also loses his arms half way through the ident and then regains them for no clear reason at the end! This needs to be fixed! Some sound effects could also do with some adjustment as some don't quite fit with the timing of the animation.

In terms of the Cbeebies ident, this got some positive comments such as the style was nice, it was cute, the colours worked etc. However, the logo does pop off the screen at the end, a feature that occured with a lot of Cbeebies idents probably because the logo has two long protruding "b"s that stick out wherever you place the logo... The Discovery channel ident will take up most of my time this week and then corrections will finally take place along with a presentation for my PPP module and other tasks for the end of year show.

In terms of time management, despite the mishaps with the corruption and loss of work, and the issue of me having flu for nearly a week and a half due to parents and partner passing it backwards and forwards to me over the Easter holidays, I feel that I've done rather well at managing my time and think this has been one of my stronger modules and I can finally see a slight improvement in my animation skills! I hope that this can only get better and I can only keep improving!

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