Monday 11 May 2015

OUAN505 - Applied Animation - Post Production: Final Song Choice

OUAN505 - Final Song Choice:

After Katy had kindly recorded a version of our song, we sent it out to the class for feedback. Upon listening, we got many mixed responses and a varying range of facial expressions. We used these immediate reactions to guess what comments were coming our way.

Some liked the unusual take on it as Katy informed us that she wouldn't be able to manage some of the notes as her vocal range was not that high. We accepted that she would do her take on it and we were happy with certain aspects of it but it was discussed that the chorus was was out of whack by a semitone or few. Some of class said that maybe we should retake the audio with a few more people having a go at it and maybe we hold an 'audition' and pick the best one out of the few we have.

I did a take (not brilliantly!), Katy did a take, and Rebecca Wong did our final attempt of which was the class' favourite overall. They were happy that her voice could hit the notes and stayed as faithful to the original as possible so that it was recognisably a spoof of the classic 80's hit. We added Becky's recording into our animatic and it worked perfectly with the animation.

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