Monday 4 November 2013

OUAN403 - Animation Skills - Explore: Frame by Frame

OUAN403 - Animation Skills:

Here is one example of my frame by frame animation. To see more on this, refer to my other blog posts on frame by frame for more information. I particularly like the way the ball bounces as it hits the floor as it gives it depth and adds to the happy, bouncy atmosphere that I'm trying to give off (hence the sun smiling). However, in comparison to the example below, I find that mine has a long way to go.

Although I may have posted this earlier in previous blog posts, I just want to point out that I could've definitely improved this. I understand that the background is a little childish in the sense that it doesn't look very professional. However, this was just an experiment to try out some skills and was not making this for professional purposes i.e. for a commission. I did it feel that it needed some colour to brighten it up overall though so I think that's why I added such a garishly bold background.

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