Monday 2 December 2013

OUAN405 - Process & Production: Adobe Flash (Creating Simple Animation)

OUAN405 - Process & Production:

Today, albeit having some experience on Flash and much preferring it for animating to any of the previous methods and programmes I have used (simply because of its ease of use and simple interface, logically placed options and very simple use of ActionScript), we did some very simple pendulums and and squash and stretch bouncing balls.

I very much enjoyed this and learned something new despite using tweens, the timeline and Flash in general before. Below is my finished animation and feel that I achieved something new as I have not the easing in and out tool on Flash before, so it gave a new feel to my animation which I thought looked appealing and more realistic.

Personally, I consider this small task as a part of research as although I have used Flash for many years for all different purposes, it's nice to touch up on the basics and get back into using the correct methods and learn new ways of creating animation. I class this as research as when creating this file, it encouraged me to look at reference images of creating in-betweens (I have a tendency to opt for straight ahead animation as planning keyframes is tedious to me) thus learning to work out of the comfort zone of straight ahead animation.

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