Monday 7 March 2016

OUAN603 - Extended Practice: Progress Report

OUAN603 - Extended Practice:

Progress Report

The date is the 7th of March and despite me thinking I was two weeks' worth of work behind due to a  horrendously long and contagious throat infection (meaning I had to be quarantined and kept indoors for the best part of two weeks), I'm actually massively on track! I've been using an app on my phone called Trello that allows you to create boards filled with tasks and transfer them from "to do" and "finished" sections, keeping you on track. It was shown to me by one of the fellow first years and I've loved using it for personal and college projects. Here is a rough list of tasks I have to have done by the 17th:

Grace's Extended Practice Organisation Board

You can keep up to date with all my progress easily by taking a gander now and then to see what I've been up to. I have a board for all my projects so I can keep myself well organised. I wish I had this app in first and second year as its actually really enjoyable to use.

So far, I am waiting on my three voice actors to get back in touch with me with their finished sound files. I gave them the deadline of the 20th of March at the latest (17th ideally for the presentation but 20th in case they had any hiccups with equipment or the scripts etc.) and will get back in touch with them in a week to check on how they're doing and to make sure everyone is happy with the project.

Until then, I will work on putting together my nine character puppets, the title cards, DUIK tests, and if I have time, possibly having a bash at the initial stopwatch clicking animation as this will be done frame by frame, digitally drawn, and would be nice just to get out of the way before starting the full three animations.

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