Tuesday 20 January 2015

OUAN503 - Responsive - Individual Practice: Final Crit (Proposal Boards)

OUAN503 - Final Critique:

Last week we had our final critique for our individual practice. We brought along our more finalised proposal boards, taking into account all of the feedback we had been given from our interim and acting on it. I had to completely change all three of my boards as the labels did in fact look quite shoddy and rushed.

I don't think I made a huge improvement, but this time I took into account my audience more actively and decided to create a few various label designs to bring to the team so that I could their opinions on what they thought would be the most suitable design for Taylor's of Harrogate and and their specified audience.

Due to a slight printing error, my proposal boards came out rather pixelated and blurry, which was a large setback as some of the text was incoherent to anyone that didn't have a clue what my project was about. I designed a series of five labels, each a preview of one of the three flavours (using the corresponding colours) that the labels would feature. I went on to ask the group their opinions on most suitable label, why, and how I could improve to suit the purpose of the brief. I received a few mixed responses, all of which were very helpful. 

According to a couple of group members, the roughly "illustrated", hand drawn label (bottom far left) would be the most successful. It stands out, using contrasting colours well and not being too complicated. It is simple and neat with a bit of hand-drawn type (appealing to a young audience - artsy), yet needs the red to be muted a little bit as it is too overpowering. The other popular option was the tea-stained coconut design (top left) as the illustrated coconut (more have been done for the other flavours) was a nice creative touch. The colours worked well with each other, sticking within a warm brown (other colours used for two other flavours), and would appeal to a student-type audience. 

The last sheet was a quick example of where I wanted my adverts displayed. Although I didn't design very well for these places, (i.e I didn't create a poster example for a bus stop or billboard) you get the general idea of what I would like to happen. Some group members suggested a pixilation animation for the company website as it would be quirky and be noticeable. Television adverts might be as effective as Taylor's don't really do much TV advertising. (I can only count one advert I have seen which was created in May 2014 - see clip below.)  

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