Friday 24 April 2015

OUAN505 - Applied Animation - Production: A Song of Type and Titles

OUAN505:  A Song of Type and Titles:

To help us understand type and titles a little bit more as we have merely scratched the surface of what vast knowledge lies within graphic design, we were given a session on playing with type and how this could benefit out project for Applied Animation. I now have a rough understanding of kerning, leading, typing on a path, what fonts make for good projects and why, connotations behind certain fonts, and so forth.

I'm currently reading a book called Typography by Harris/Ambrose which is actually quite useful in giving me a recap on the things Annabeth taught us. My ideas for our title sequence were things like 'The Good Life' title sequence where quite blocky text is revealed around an object (could be a piece of fruit or veg to relate to the band). 'Eating Healthy with HiVit' has a nice ring to it.

There are also some useful websites such as

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