Thursday 24 October 2013

OUAN404 - Visual Language: Set, Series, Sequence

OUAN404 - Visual Language:

So, today we started a new brief called "Set, Series, Sequence" in which we were each given a piece of folded paper with a random word written on it. Hoping I'd get something daft and vague to work with like "log" or "shopping trolley" of which I could create many entertaining and fun drawings for, I got spider instead...

However, after much thinking and my brain feeling like It'd done almost as much work as Einstein's, I came up with a good dozen ideas to do with the word spider. As I am on the first part of this study task, "Set", I have to create 32 that represent that word. I can use any media I wish so long as it fits with the feeling and style of the image I am trying to achieve.

So far I have many ideas to do with spiders such as the way humans portray and see them, how owners who keep them as pets see them, how spiders see us, how spiders hunt, how some spiders eat their partners, how spiders eat, how long their legs are, how some are fluffy and some are bald and so forth! The list goes on...

I also looked at spiders in popular media and technology. For instance, how spiders are shown in Pokémon, in web comics (Spoderman), the spiders in Adventure Time, spiders with meme faces on them as they express emotion, Black Widow (Marvel), Spiderman (DC), Charlotte's Web, Incy Wincy Spider and again, many more!

I hope to finish all 32 images by the end of tomorrow and make a start on "Series", the 12 drawn up version of my best ideas.

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