Monday 3 February 2014

OUAN406 - A Tale in The Sting: E4 Initial Ideas

OUAN5406 - E4 Ideas:

After much thought about how I could create something quirky and entertaining that would easily promote E4 and make them out to be "awesome", I decided on some initial ideas and what could happen in the small amount of time I had. I had ideas such as a man falling in love with a giant E4 and taking it on a romantic meal then at the end, a velvet red curtain would drop down and leave the rest to the imagination. This lacked the "punch" that I wanted; it simply wasn't fun and action-packed enough.

Secondly, I thought of E4 as a monster, ravaging through a city, eating buildings and treading on everything in its path before finally grabbing the camera (the viewer) and swallowing it whole allowing the camera to fade to black showing the logo at the end. Still, action packed and humorous and possibly had the potential to appeal to the audience but still lacked the whole "popular culture" aspect I wanted to welcome to the ident.

Another idea was to feature aspects of social media and networking. Those horrid hashtags from Twitter that everyone keeps using combined with the typical "Wayfarer" glasses, maybe an indie band playing in the background with Tetris blocks and other bits of mumbo-jumbo floating around in the foreground could work, I mean, at least it would appeal to one variant of the audience even if it's not exactly the image I would like to give E4... The drum kit could feature the logo, maybe pop out of the drum at the end and burst through the screen? I wanted almost a mic-take of our youth, our generation of mass media and terrible music.

Then! Huzzah! An idea to end all ideas that could give me the element of humour, popular culture (that the UK and USA would understand) and a slight mic-take of our culture by using over-exaggeration, silly voiceovers and super powers was born. I finally decided on creating an overly-cute Anime character with candy floss hair that immediately defied the laws of gravity, wearing the epitome of superhero fashion disasters, holding what can only be described as the most unthreatening-looking mace/staff ever. I would keep the idea of the E4 logo being a ravaging monster, but instead, my "Super Kawaii E4 Girl" would fight this monster and obliterate it with her mace in a flash of light. Not only would it be super funny and cute, not to mention cheesy, it would give my ident that "punch" that I wanted. I plan on developing this idea further.

I will research some of Kerrang's idents as I remember they did a Power Ranger's styled one that featured a very similar idea of using a beam of light to defend themselves. I may use this not only to see how other channels do their idents but to get animation tips to aid my own.

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