Monday 10 February 2014

OUAN406: A Tale in The Sting: Informing Style (Cbeebies)

OUAN406: Style:

In the process of looking for a particular style for each of my idents, I came across images and videos that would perhaps portray a better picture of what style I have chosen to do my idents in. These will later inform character designs.

For my Cbeebies idea, I had the style of cut-out paper characters in mind and for process, a stop motion animation could work and look more crafty and child-friendly. Scissors and other bits and bobs could be shown on screen around the edges to add to the authenticity. I quite liked this image from

I had the idea of putting split pins through the joints for smooth, sturdy movement but after some thought about it, I thought simply cutting the limbs off the animals and placing the limbs over the body and adjusting them each time was a better idea as it would look more "seamless" compared to massive, chunky split pins taking up most of the animals' bodies. 

I watched a really nice animation with a fellow animation student of whom sent me the animation from Vimeo. It demonstrates a good use of this technique that I would consider using (cutting out the limbs and placing on top in layers for smooth, seamless movement). 

Giangrande - Paper Plane (Official Video) from gianluca maruotti on Vimeo.

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