Tuesday 16 December 2014

OUAN504 - Character & Narrative: Modelling Props (The Axe)

OUAN504 - Modelling Props:

To add to the comical notion of the animation, I decided to model an axe as it fits perfectly with the lyrics ("ain't the sharpest tool in the shed" could have connotations of pitchforks, spades, and other various garden tools). However, I decided to take it a step further and turn my everyday, obvious axe into a video game-style war axe used for slaying enemies! This would work much better than a regular wood-cutting axe as the onion (of which I still have to model) is depicted looking at the axe in horror. So, a little exaggeration on the type of axe will work a treat!

Using reference once again from Google (and a couple of great tutorials on how to use boolean difference), I found an image of a war axe that I thought was easy enough to model and looked the part.

After a horrible experience with lighting and texturing this model, I think I need to get more practice in so that I can light and texture with more confidence. The first image shows how the texture didn't quite fit, and sadly I thought I could away with it. However, after pondering over this for about an hour, I realised that something had to be done. So I went into photoshop and shoved a grey background in just to fill the rest of the axe shape. This quite frankly looks worse but will benefit the animation more than leaving big blank gaps of textureless axe everywhere...

Oh well, I gave it my best shot. Modelling this was incredibly fun, though!

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