Wednesday 26 November 2014

OUAN503 - Responsive - Individual Practice: Taylor's of Harrogate Product Idea Inspiration

OUAN503 - Product Inspiration:

For my presentation tomorrow, to clearly let everyone know what I set out to accomplish for this brief, I decided to put together a sort of mood board containing images of which I have inspired by. As I mentioned earlier in my blog, I set out to make a new innovative product for Taylor's that encouraged a younger audience to start enjoying coffee.

I also aimed to make this product accessible to the younger demographic. Taylor's of Harrogate's produce is already incredibly accessible as most of it's products are sold in most supermarkets nationwide. I planned to come up with a range of flavoured coffee syrups of which aren't that accessible in most stores that 16-25 year olds would visit for their weekly shop. I visited many supermarkets throughout Leeds as part of my research and trekked the stores in pursuit of coffee syrups - I found none.

Taylor's would be the perfect company to start marketing this on a larger scale as in my personal opinion, coffee syrups are almost like a gateway "drug" into the coffee world and by starting with something sweet, a younger audience may then be tempted to try coffee without the need to add syrups.

Just by looking at this mood board, I already feel like it's Christmas. It gives the illusion of warmth, smoothness, and sumptuous, luxury coffee. Although coffee syrups have already been done before by plenty of companies, I feel like there's a market for a Christmas selection. The brief will also allow me to create a short animated advertisement of which I already have a few ideas for.

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