Tuesday 4 November 2014

OUAN504 - Character & Narrative - Acting Up: Storyboards

OUAN504 - Storyboards:

Here a few rather shoddy scans of my storyboard. I initially had a series of thumbnails and decided that it would be best to get them into a logical order with staging and shot choice involved. I might want to work on clarity in the future as I usually only make my storyboards of any sense to me, when in future, other people might need to read them!

Moom points to Onion as if in the midst of teaching him a lesson. Wide shot of Moom and Onion so that the scene is set and an idea of space is given. When the corresponding line is heard, an axe is thrown to Moom from the left. Onion looks startled.

Axe will be thrown off to left again and as appropriate line comes, Moom will make an "L" shape on his forehead to indicate "loser" sign. Quick zoom in to close up of Moom pulling dopey grin with "L" shape on head. (Thoughts about cutting this out to save time.)

In short silent moment when no sound is heard ready to anticipate the beginning of the chorus, in a split second, Moom kicks Onion off the screen very abruptly. Snap to scene of Moom close up as he is ready to catch the basketball for corresponding line.

Moom pushes the ball towards the viewer as scene quickly snaps to mid shot of Moom getting ready to catch a guitar from the left when correct line is heard from the audio.

Moom plays the guitar for a couple of seconds .

After the Interim Crit, feedback was given that it would look better and give more variation if Moom then threw the guitar off to the right instead of the left as the Onion is no longer there to get in the way. It would also aid in making the animation less repetitive. "All that glitters is gold" is a cue for a quick swap to the next scene in which a series of stars fall slowly and Moom makes a T-pose as if trying to catch the stars whilst spinning around happily.

"Only shooting stars break the mould" then becomes the last shot of a cheeky wink and finger snap with a slight zoom in slowly. The End.

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