Thursday 6 November 2014

OUAN503 - Responsive - Individual Practice: Study Task 1: What's The Problem?

OUAN503 - What's the Problem?


1) What problems can you spot?

I can imagine that plenty of adults who wish not to drink alcohol, and even ones that do and still enjoy J20 might not really care about what the packaging looks like as it is the content that is important. The audience might find it a little bit patronising that the bottle has to be completely redesigned simply to make them feel better.

2) What is the brief asking me to do?

Recreate the product label to suit an adult audience.

3) What can I achieve? 

I can create the labels digitally and print them physically with some research and experience. With the time set available, a good ten or so designs can be created with the final design chosen and redrawn with elements from all the successful labels.

4) What message is the brief trying to convey?

The brief is trying to convey maturity and professionalism in a way that will suit the target audience. It wishes to persuade adults to drink J20 by leaving that 'kiddie' feel behind and taking on a new approach and personality.

5) What is the target audience?

Adults, 25-35 year old men and women "who love getting together with their friends and family, both in and out of home. They are grown up, confident, have an established social network, and feel relaxed with those around them. They don’t need alcohol to boost their confidence or lower their inhibitions and are happy to interchange between alcohol and soft drinks."

6) How is the message delivered?

The message is delivered easily and to the point. The brief makes it obvious what it wants from me and is easy to work with. It has set me a task that is accomplishable and achievable within the time limit.

7) Who will benefit from this? Myself or the company? Both?

Myself in terms of skills learned and where I can go with those skills in the future. The company will benefit more in financial ways if they ever decided to use any of my designs.

8) Can I foresee any problems?

Lots of other students may wish to choose this brief as they know the product and are probably familiar with what they're aiming for. Graphic designers and illustrators may go for this more than animators so their is the chance of an animated outcome but it is not asked for. Lots of entries means lots of competition so hat could be an issue.

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