Wednesday 11 February 2015

OUAN503 - Responsive - Collaborative Practice: A Little Bit of Research

OUAN503 - A Little Bit of Research:

Seeing as Anna and I had a rough idea of what we were going to create for our collaborative brief, we thought it was only appropriate to a get a little bit of research in there before the next session of which we would be signing our "contract of collaboration" together. As we had the idea of creating a future character of ourselves, we had to go out and research what the world could possibly look like in a decade's time.

It's alright imagining what new technologies are out there, but if you start guessing and turning it into some kind of fairytale, it's not going to a be a very accurate brief. The brief didn't actually state whether or not it had to be accurate, but we didn't want to insinuate that there'd be promises of hoverboards and floating shoes (yes, Back To The Future, it's 2015 now and there's still no show of the gadgets you predicted!).

From my own knowledge and interest in current technologies and scientific advancements, I already have an idea of what is going on in the present. Self-fastening shoes (just like the ones in BTTF - they did get one prediction right I guess), waterproof spray technology, 3D writing using thermal-plastic-melting pens, and even flexible phones (that ARE intentional, unlike the shoddy excuse of a phone that is the iPhone 6) are all recent inventions. However, seeing as we have pushed the boundaries of what we thought could be achieved, what more can we expect in the next decade?

Our main focus would be clothing, new materials, gadgets and accessories as these would all have an opportunity to be featured on our characters or have some way of interacting with them. Some rumours on the internet (sites such as New Scientist, Forbes, and Zdnet are my main sources of these) have suggested in the next decade 3D meals may be available in our own homes using 3D printers. This could maybe allow for 3D printed fabrics and man-made material innovations for clothing and fashion? Could we be heading to a more stereotypical idea of futuristic fashion with space-age style suits and outfits?

Brain Machine Interfaces, or BMIs for short, may allow us to have implants just under our skin to communicate what we're thinking by connecting to computers that pick up our electromagnetic brain waves ro sense our feelings. This is particularly invasive and is similar to the likes of TV show Black Mirror of which touches on subjects like this. It could be fairly detrimental for our society.

The rise of robots seems an inevitable occurrence with gadgets already in the making and becoming successful in countries such as Japan and China. However, given another decade robots might be a part of our everyday lives and serve a purpose more closer to home such as cooking and cleaning, or even walking the dog!

"Asimo", a robot invented in Japan with a rather humanoid appearance.

With the fairly new creation of 4G internet, who's to say there won't be a 5G in 2020/25? There'll always be constant competition in the way consumerists want the latest gadgets. Companies will always find new ways to make more money out of us...

Whatever the possibilities, I feel that we're currently already suffocated by technology and although there is no doubt it had improved our lives and ease of living, too much of a good thing can be more harm than good. Think of how many people struggle to go out without having their mobile phones on them? In a decade, that could be said for the next new gadget such as robots, a development in Google Glass, or some new form of clothing or accessory.

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