Friday 6 February 2015

OUAN505 - Applied Animation - Research/Pre-Production: Coming Together

OUAN505 - Coming Together:

To begin the brief we had to arrange ourselves into logical groups depending on what subject matter and project style we were aiming to achieve. I came to the brief with the idea of creating a parody music video as I have a keen interest in music and lyrics. However, after much debate with the group of three I had somehow fallen into, it was then decided to work on a "Mockumentary" of which we would actively poke fun at the health-conscious using a variety of techniques.

What sparked this idea was a short video we watched called the "Butterfield Diet" in which a rather large man, Brian Butterfield, went about his "healthy" week by creating a spoof diet based on eating a single lettuce leaf and a single bean for each meal and so forth. I found this really humorous and thought it would apply well to our project as we could get away with having a terrible green-screen effect animation whilst incorporating live-action and some animated characters. Not only would this receive input from all of us as the variety of techniques we aim to use would require all of our varied skills, it would allow us to use multiple programs and methods in one animation - something I personally have never done before.

I may set out to create a "healthy eating" rap/ballad/song as part of a personal project whilst having stop motion animation to accompany it as I had high hopes for creating a song with my partner working on the backing track whilst I and a few possible others sang.

Below is the source of our initial inspiration for this project. An animated version of something similar to this would allow for some interesting results and a comical style.

In the end we decided that a more cooperative and a less collaborative approach would be better where we can all chip into each other's work without having the commitment of seeing it through until the end.

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