Thursday 26 February 2015

OUAN503 - Responsive - Collaborative Practice: Looking Into Fashion - The Trend Cycle

OUAN503 - Looking Into Fashion - The Trend Cycle:

Laver's Law: (As researched by Anna, my collaborative partner, Laver's Law states that a style of clothing doesn't actually become fashionable util roughly 50 years after it has been released/worn by members of the public.) I don't necessarily see much point in trying to work out a predictable cycle of fashion. Instead, predicting what we as individuals will wear is a more suitable idea as right now the clothing I wear is really anything I feel comfortable in. I don't see myself as conforming to any particular trend wholeheartedly.

10 years before - indecent
Five years before - shameless
One year before - daring
In fashion - smart
One year after - dowdy
10 years after - hideous
20 years after - ridiculous
30 years after - amusing
50 years after - quaint
70 years after - charming
100 years after - romantic
150 years after - beautiful
Judging by most fashion trend graphs, there seems to be a very obvious cycle in which trends seem to come and go. However, as said earlier, I can't predict any difference in what I wear now to how I will look in a decade's time. 

Ten years ago, I wore mainly anything I saw as unusual or weird looking. Anything with hideous patterns that stood out, or smart-looking suits with frilly dresses. My wardrobe really is a mish-mash of all fashions. 80's, new romantic, Victorian, Edwardian, gothic, casual - you name it, I've worn it.

Adam and The Ants were a huge inspiration for my wardrobe. I do think that musical advances will influence fashion greatly as it once did in the 80's etc. 

The likes of famous figureheads will always be trendsetters. Super models, celebrities, pop stars and even political figures will constantly be scrutinised and followed in terms of their clothing choices. This will more than likely stay the same in the future. 

With the rise of 'fake celebrities' - those who possess no talent and are simply famous for having money or being famous (Kim Kardashian, Katie Price), fashion might take a turn for the worst as it seems like a competition of who 'can dress the sexiest' with as few clothes as possible. At this rate, we may even be naked soon!

Cruella De Ville and such other animated characters often had an impact on what I wore and what I still wear. Bright colours, clashing patterns and anything I could get my hands on that seemed odd by anyone's rights was something I had to have. Now, I still feel the same about fashion. However, with the constant rise in technology it is inevitable that gadgets and new materials will adorn our clothes and make their way into our lives on a very personal level. We need to consider this when creating our character illustrations and animations.

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