Friday 27 March 2015

OUAN503 - Responsive - Individual Practice: YCN Confirmation Email

OUAN503 - YCN Confirmation:

Regarding my submission for YCN's brief that was to be handed in last week,  I submitted roughly a few hours before the deadline which was just in the nick of time. However, sadly whilst clearing out my emails the other day I deleted my confirmation email! I am horrified and sadly I will not receive any marks now for this brief due to my carelessness. I will learn from this and will blog about my submissions AS and WHEN I receive an email.

On the brighter side, I managed to submit and was rather pleased that I could at least submit something for the module. I am not so pleased with the work I produced as I feel it was not a high enough standard for my liking and in order to improve I should have conducted some questionnaire research for my product design relating to my target audience for better feedback. I could have then used this to create better label designs as the ones I did churn out were a little bit rough and ready and weren't really that well thought out. I could have sought out advice from graphic design regarding typography and layout, and the illustration team for colour coordination advice.

All in all I have learned from my horrible mistake and there is no point dwelling on the past. I can move forwards from this and make sure it doesn't happen again.

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