Friday 20 March 2015

OUAN505 - Applied Animation - Production: Making the Set

OUAN505 - Making the Set:

Today after a long break from Applied Animation, we decided to get making to set and get on with creating some dummy armatures so that we knew how to go about making the real ones. We popped down to see Roger Berry, the woodwork guy, and he kindly offered to help us with our set. He created a top down view for us in a 3D woodwork software program and began to cut out our pieces and mitre them for us. We are to pop back at lunch and pay him for the MDF and pick up the set to then put together and fix in place.

We will then proceed with decorating the set and playing around with the lights in order to see if everything works on set. It is quite a large set so we decided to keep it in the stop-motion room so that it wouldn't need any transportation. Also, all the Dragonframe software is in there so it will make life a lot easier for us to have our own space there.

I will take some photos of the process of our set and pop them up here shortly.

- Afternoon -

We have very thankfully received our beautiful little (rather large in fact!) set with many, many thanks to Roger down in Woodwork. Roger kindly cut out the boards for us, mitred them and glued them in place for stability. We then paid him and proceeded back up to the room where it will spend most of its life as a mini theatre for our Hi-Vit band. Photos will be posted below:

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