Saturday 21 March 2015

OUAN505 - Applied Animation - Research/Pre-Production: Sesame Street - Healthy Habits

OUAN505 - Healthy Habits:

Upon looking for additional inspiration and research into our music video for lyrics, facts, and styles of executing our animation, we came across these little gems called Healthy Habits by Sesame Street. As a child I loved watching these and remember the music videos so, so well. I thought it seemed only appropriate to talk about how they influenced me as a child and how they've managed to give me inspiration now as an adult for potentially successful animation.

The above music video is a fantastically catchy little number by Cookie Monster regarding all the different ways eating healthily can affect your growth and life in general. It is informative yet fun and contains the 'Healthy Habits' of which is the name for the group of puppet foods that are featured singing on the screen. This is heavily influential to children as by using mascots and cute characters, children will become more attached to them rather than using humans to drearily moan on about a topic. A song is always popular as it can stick in the minds of those who enjoy it - almost everyone! 
Although this isn't technically animated, it's still a documentary in a loose sense of the word. The below video clip is more towards documentary as it features more facts and helpful tips that are likely to be seen as more realistic and truthful. 

'Happy Healthy Monster' is a series of short clips featuring the monsters' choices of food and how it will affect them. They are taught by the foods themselves, other humans that are usually special guests like Michelle Obama for instance, and other monsters. This is a great way of helping children understand healthy eating as it's obvious that the creators of Sesame Street really thought about engaging a young audience with all the bright colours, interesting characters and fun, engaging episodes. We want to take the bright colours, the use of well-known, named mascots, and factual, relevant informative song choices away from this show as use it to our advantage. 

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