Saturday 21 March 2015

OUAN505 - Applied Animation - Production: Being Ethical, Being Good

OUAN505 - Being Ethical, Being Good:

As part of our learning curve in our second year and particularly in this module, we are learning what it means to be ethical and professional. How are we working with our peers? Are we being a suitable animator with respect for our team members and staff? Are we treating everyone fairly? Well, for me to blog about this and demonstrate how I as a member or team work with others, I can safely say that so far we've done a really good job in keeping in contact with others and staff regarding work and other matters.

To begin with, our group (Alex, David, myself) contact each other predominantly using Facebook chat. This might seem unprofessional to some but it is really the easiest way of getting hold of someone and distracting them from their daily browse through their News Feed. Who wouldn't want to talk about work whilst snooping through someone else's profile out of boredom? We felt Facebook was clean, simple, and easy to use. It was always at hand on our phones and wherever else we may need to contact someone.

In terms of emails, our student emails were used to send emails to members of staff regarding questions, advice, guidelines and general help with our work. We didn't actually email Roger Berry regarding the set making as we intended only to pop down for an initial chat to see when he was free but being a helpful member of staff, he kindly offered to make it there and then for a small fee of MDF board.

When it comes to sharing work, Google Docs/Drive/Slides was perfect for what we needed. If a set of work boards or ideas needed to be discussed in person but not everyone was available, sharing it to those members on Google Drive meant that they could view any images or pieces of work and we could then discuss without losing out on time. This was particularly helpful when coming up with a band name as there was some squabbling (light discussion maybe?) when it came to that.

All in all, we've treat everyone fairly as best we can. There have been some team issues not with myself regarding politeness to others, but hopefully this will resolve as we're all old enough to deal with this and sort it out. I as a member of our group wish for peace and understanding, and mainly just to make a fantastic piece of animation!

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