Tuesday 21 October 2014

OUAN504 - Character & Narrative - Study Task 1 - Modelling Skills: Do It Yourself

OUAN504 - A Simple Strawberry:

Judging by my last feeble attempt at making a simple truck model in Maya, I decided to try my newfound love of animation making some other simple objects using the skills I had practiced on my previous endeavour. After watching plenty of tutorials on the internet, I decided to try my hand at a strawberry. I downloaded the leaf textures from the creator - many thanks to "3dEx" - and began the frustrating yet fun journey to complete my strawberry!

I started out with a very basic polygon sphere, the body of the strawberry. Using the face, vertex, and edge selection tools, I was then able to shape and manipulate my model into a strawberry. In comparison to the tutorials I watched, I did not want to simply copy what other people had done, I wanted to learn not just to copy, but to be able to create something slightly different with a touch more realism to it. So, instead of modelling the perfectly round "cartoony" strawberry in the videos I followed, I thought more about how most strawberries aren't wonderfully round and succulent; you get those huge deformed bobbly ones too! I aimed for the chunkier, more shapely variety as this seemed more realistic. Imperfection is perfection... To some extent!

So, after many hours perfecting the shape, I created the segments on the outside where the seeds sit. they are almost like little dimples, so using the extrude tool, I was able to make those dimples in the strawberry. I did make one mistake though and I plan to learn from it: DON'T FORGET TO ADD THE SEEDS BY MAKING A SET ESPECIALLY FOR THEM! (This will then prevent any further complications in the future!)

Here are some screenshots of my strawberry. I will try and remember to take "work in progress" ones in the future as seeing the finished product isn't really a great indication of how I made it in the first place...

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