Thursday 13 March 2014

OUAN404 - Visual Language: Set, Series, Sequence

OUAN404 - Set, Series, Sequence:

After managing to get all 32 of my ideas for "spider" down on paper, I played about with the texture, line, mark and various other features of some of them. I began to understand that it's not all about what a spider is or what it looks like, it's about what a spider feels like, smells like, sounds like, and, to some extent... What it tastes like? Yuck. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the task a lot more when I discovered a whole new way of recording ideas. It didn't have to be fully understandable or make much sense, the ideas didn't have to look like masterpieces. I found certain marks that "felt" nice and looked aesthetically pleasing as well as giving a nice "warm" and "fuzzy" tingle when you looked at them.

The way a spider's legs feel. Thos sharp, coarse hairs that line their legs or the soft, fluffy down you get on their bodies. The shape of their legs, the wetness of their eyes. Yes, I was getting too carried away with this but it was great and I enjoyed it! I then went onto create eight more images based on image that I liked out of my 32. I slightly bent the rules as I was attached to a few of them. The textures of one, the art style and appeal of the character on another, and the lines and thickness of the other. I combined what I liked about these to create eight images about a spider's daily life.

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