Thursday 27 March 2014

OUAN406 - A Tale in The Sting: A Series of Unfortunate Disasters

OUAN406 - A Series of Unfortunate Disasters:

Yesterday evening, I decided it would be a wise idea to back up all the work I have done on OUAN406 so far as I was gathering a fair amount and my external hard drive may possibly corrupt at any given moment. Upon backing up all the pre-production work that I have accomplished so far, my laptop decided it wanted to send me into hysterics by crashing, buzzing and groaning for a good few minutes, then proceeding to delete every byte of work I had ever done of OUAN406. I was not a happy bunny and by this point I was contemplating throwing my laptop (and hard drive for that matter!) out of the window in hope that it would hit a fellow passer-by so they could feel the pain I was in!

However, that wasn't going to solve anything and albeit spending a good four hours trying to "unCHK" the hundreds of .CHK extension files that my work had been churned up into, the files were far too corrupt to even fix manually. I eventually decided it would be best to suck it up and stop being a whiney little child about it and was optimistic that at least I hadn't placed any finished animations in that folder otherwise I would have been doomed. I learned massively from this lesson and thought that in future, when I plan to back something up: don't. It was incredibly bad timing for it to corrupt considering I was just moments away from backing up a good few months' worth of work.

Never again will I back up anything. No, in all seriousness, I will learn from this unfortunate accident and back up on a regular basis of about once a week. I tend to a significant amount of work each week so then would be a good time to do this. I then proceeded to spend the remainder of my night redoing all the work I had lost: backgrounds, animatics, testing files, printout sheets and more.

Oh well, s^&* happens.

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